Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Boogie Boarding World Cup

Hello Friends,
Long time no chat... It's fine. I am back and have lots to share. Will have to share in doses, but here we go!

I just got back from the Outer Banks (yay!) and spent some time with my sister and some friends. Can you believe that it has been over 3 years since I have actually gone to the beach; basked in the sun; boogie boarded all day; gained baller tan lines; eaten so much that I was about to explode?! Well, it's true! Praise I was able to just chill and relax with some wonderful friends and completely disconnect for a few days.

While staying in Kill Devil Hills, B-dub, Courtney and I decided to have a competition. Not just any average competition - OH NO - but the BOOGIE BOARDING WORLD CUP 2K10 OF THE OUTER BANKS! B-dub represented the UK/Europe, Courtney - Africa duh... and me, South America. Viva la Raza!! Anyway, we were neck and neck all three days we boogied (?). It didn't matter if our hair was in shambles or out bathing suits in disarray, or if we were rockin' out so hard on our way to the shore that sand got in our bottoms - we played to win. It was the most cut-throat World Cup for boogie boarders EVER.

Here is a photo to show you how totally ON I was.
I made it to the sandy, shelly surf like... every single time going at least 40 if not 45 miles per hour. Who won, you ask? We all won. None of us like to say who won or who lost because at the end of the day, we won for WORLD PEACE. We competed simply to rejoice in the WORLD and to show everyone on that beach that we can rock out on a board. Although B-dub's board was about 106 years old, she could rock it all day long. Courtney and I were so intense, we bent our pro-boards big time - but we did it all for WORLD PEACE.

DSB all day long. <3 LOVE YOU GIRLS!